Autumn Greetings to all MCG&BC members.
The Club and the Golf Course has experienced a very busy period over the Summer and Autumn. A special thanks to all our staff and volunteers for their sustained efforts. On behalf of all members thanks to Lesley Rundle, Alan Howard our golf captains and Helen Howard and Colin Davies for scheduling and arranging such a comprehensive schedule of club golf and events.
Special thanks to Heather Jenkins and Jillian Chandler for their efforts in supporting the club operations. Thank-you to Marilyn and Donna, our golf shop staff and Colin Davies and Mim Page for helping out regularly in the Golf Shop. The Working Bee in February was successful, further jobs will be tackled soon. Thank-you to those members and friends who participated.
Green fee player patronage has been very solid since the conclusion of the 2nd CoVid-19 lock-down in November and our membership has seen a very pleasing 20 per cent increase over the past 12 months. These are very positive increases for the Club. As previously reported the Club was very grateful for the various Government Support Packages as received during the CoVid-19 pandemic. This support has under-pinned the Club financially in 2021 and allowed us to keep meeting our commitments.
The Committee continues to prioritise the maintenance and presentation of the course to the benefit of all.
Special thanks to Kellan Fiske our Course Superintendent for his skills, leadership and perseverance, along with course volunteers Bob Emblin, Geoff Ferguson, Ron Jones, Keith Atwell, Ray Jones, Liz Amos, Michael Wood for their time and efforts. Thanks to Lloyd Flaherty, Richy Clark and Brian Worcester who joined the course volunteers and Kellan in replacing the bridge decks on the 13th,14th and 18th bridges, with the help of a Murrindindi Shire $5000 grant towards the timber materials.
Thanks to the Committee members who all toiled through last year and into the new year exploring grant opportunities and meeting the challenges of CoVid-19 restrictions and measures.
Special thanks to Travers Stow our stoic Treasurer and Peter Lilley our grants seeker for their considerable time and expertise in managing the Club’s affairs so ably.
It is also important to acknowledge all the Club members, be it those social golfers, the Thursday and Saturday regulars, those that support all the Club events, those that travel on behalf of the Club to Dalhousie Ladies Bowls and Events or Pennant matches, thank-you to everyone. The annual challenges with visiting groups and events such as the Murrindindi Masters raise useful funds for the club and create friendships with other golfers. We thank members for supporting these events. The camaraderie and positive spirit has been ever present, all our gatherings and events have been very successful thanks to all our members participating.
The Club’s financial position has improved steadily as a consequence of all the hard work mentioned above. The Club is now in a pleasing position of being up to date with all our creditors and loans from various Committee members during the past 2 years have all been repaid. Income has been very strong over Summer and Autumn to date.
On the basis of this sustained financial position and with careful forecasting modelling the Committee has been able to make some important decisions and commitments on behalf of the Club. A financial contract has been entered with Toro Australia over five years to purchase via monthly payments two new mowers, a fairway mower and a greens mower. This is a $140000 commitment to be paid over 5 years. On current projections the Club can conservatively meet this commitment on a monthly basis.
The Committee is also investigating the financing of a new course work utility vehicle. The Club has recently purchased out-right a new Yamaha golf cart to start replacing our ageing fleet, delivery of the cart is expected this week.
The mowers are a Club priority, thanks to Kellan and the course volunteers for their skills and patience working with the fleet of ageing machines. The new greens mower will allow the existing greens mower to be utilised for the tees and the new fairway mower will take over a lot of the workload from our existing two aged mowers.
The existing rough cutter mowers (4 machines) will continue to require regular repairs and maintenance to keep them operating.
Significant time and money has gone into maintaining the irrigation system this summer season, thanks to Kellan’s expertise the system has been maintained, sprinklers replaced and leaks repaired.
The Committee appreciates the support of all members in being able to make these key decisions and commitments for the presentation and maintenance of the course. The garden program continues thanks to Peter and Jillian’s energies along with the garden volunteers.
The garden and machinery special purpose accounts remain open for donations to enhance our programs. Anyone wishing to make a donation please contact Travers, Peter, Heather or Jillian.
We are all very fortunate to enjoy our remarkable course and its unique setting. Thank-you to all members for your support.
A number of members have some health challenges to deal with at present, we wish them a speedy recovery, you are in our thoughts. Our condolences to Brad Kasch whose father passed away recently and to Bec Lee whose father passed away earlier this year after a long illness, both gentlemen were residents of the district.
Happy Autumn golfing!
Regards MCG&BC Committee