Last Saturday both the men and the ladies played a stroke round for the October monthly medal and the first round of the club Championships. The men’s medal winner was Adam Littlejohn (21) with nett 73 followed by Andrew O’Shea (7) on a countback from Keith Atwell with nett 75. The ladies winner was Jody Doran (12) with nett 74 and Gail Leigh (11) was the runner up with nett 75. The nearest the pins were won by Clint Sillett, Jody Doran and Adam Littlejohn who also won the Golden Shot. Andrew O’Shea won the putting with 23 putts. During presentation members welcomed new member Liz Matthews to the club and former member Clint Sillett and his son and caddy, Cooper to the competition. Saturday was also a charity day with all competition fees and raffle money going to a local charity and members were pleased to donate $500 to the Foundation Murrindindi Foodshare Programme. Next Saturday both the men and ladies will play stroke for the second round of their club championships. Members and visitors are reminded that having entered the daylight-saving period the Saturday tee off time will be 9.00am for 9.30.
On Thursday five ladies played in the Euroa Bowl. Congratulations to the Yea team for winning the Bowl and to Helen Howard and Lesley Rundle for gaining some Dalhousie Player of the Year points. On Thursday Marysville will host their Ladies Tournament with golfers from a number of Dalhousie clubs attending.
On Saturday November 9th the club is celebrating the opening of the back nine holes 50 years ago with a golf competition and a dinner. Local and visiting non golfers are welcome to attend the dinner from 6.00pm in the clubrooms. For $50 guests will receive a 2-course meal and the opportunity to bid in live and silent auctions as a way of celebrating our history and supporting our future. To book the dinner reservation simply visit trybooking.com/CSFWJ and select the dinner only option. The evening promises to be a night of fun and friendship. For further enquiries contact Jody Doran -0412654555 or email enquiries@marysvillegolfandbowls.com.au
Lesley Rundle