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Golf Report - 24 February 2024

Writer's picture: MCG&BCMCG&BC

It was a glorious day weather wise last Saturday when golfers gathered to play a 4BBB game in memory of Matthew, James and Elizabeth Liesfield and many others who lost their lives in the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires. Matthew and James were keen young golfers who had played in the February monthly medal event on the morning of February 7th 2009. The Liesfield trophy is played for annually and is much sought after by all players. For a number of years Uncle and Aunt of Matthew and James, Marianne and Colin Easton, have travelled to Marysville from their home and farm near Ararat to represent the family and to present the trophy to the winners. Sadly, due to the fires around the Ararat area and many road closures they were unable to come on Saturday but hopefully members can welcome them back next year. The winning pair on Saturday was Margaret Blair and Adam Littlejohn with 44 stableford points. Each of these players had won the trophy previously with different partners but were thrilled to combine well on Saturday for another win. The runners up with 42 points were Lesley Rundle and Colin Davies. The nearest the pins were won by Gail Leigh, Ray Jones and Steve Berry who also won the Golden shot.

After play President Steve Coker thanked all those members who assisted with the recent working bee and reminded members that there will be another one held in a few weeks’ time.

Last Thursday in hot conditions five Marysville ladies played in the Alexandra Bowl. Congratulations to one of the Alexandra teams for winning the Bowl. Marysville members Helen Howard and Margaret Blair won some Player of the Year points and Mim Page won a nearest the pin. Our thanks to the Alexandra ladies for organising the event. The Dalhousie ladies event this week is the Hidden Valley Bowl and a number of Marysville members will be attending.

On Saturday 2nd March both the men and the ladies will play a stroke round for the March monthly medal and the first round of the Summer Aggregate. The ladies are busy planning for the Sandy Wilson Bowl which will be played on Thursday 14 March and are hoping to welcome a number of ladies from other clubs for a stableford game. Members are asked to please leave donations for the raffle in the meeting room at the club. Details of the event are on the flyer on the Dalhousie District Golf Association  website.

Lesley Rundle



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