Last Saturday the annual Presentation Day was held with players playing a two-person ambrose before a dress up competition, lunch, a review of the year and presentation of the 2023 major trophies. The delicious lunch was provided by the Thornton General Store and members thanked Lorna Davis for collecting the food on the Saturday morning. The winning combination for the ambrose was Mark Bambery and Heather Jenkins with net 63. The nearest the pins were won by Travers Stow, Andrew O’Shea and Keith Atwell who also won the Golden Shot. The dress up theme was ‘A Touch of Summer’ and although the entries for the dress- up competition were low this year those who did enter had a lot of fun. Alan Howard and Steve Coker were given a highly commended but the winner was Lesley Rundle who dressed in a swimming cap, goggles and swimming ring. She actually wore it in case she had to swim to retrieve her ball from one of the many water hazards on the course! President Steve Coker gave a review of the year, thanked all those who volunteer for the club and appealed for others to consider doing so. Three ladies Margaret Blair, Jody Doran and Helen Howard who celebrate their birthdays in December were wished a Happy Birthday by all in attendance.
The 2024 club and Dalhousie syllabus is available on the club website and members will soon receive an electronic version. Next Sat 23 Dec a stableford round will be played, on the 6th Jan golfers will play stroke for the January monthly medal and on the 13 January the second round of the Foodworks Murrindindi Masters will be held at Eildon.
Local golfers and visitors to the area are invited to play on the beautiful golf course over the Christmas, New Year and holiday period. Details are on the website marysvillegolfandbowls.com.au or by phone on 59633241.
All Marysville members wish everyone a happy and safe festive season and they look forward to another successful golfing year in 2024.
Lesley Rundle